Yves Fischer

International Team Driver - Switzerland

Team Driver Since 2018

Born 1971, married, 3 kids (one girl, zwo boys). Trained carpenter, since 2000 LEO.
Various hobby’s, primary RC’s but also sports-shooting, collecting Victorinox knives, shortwave listening.

RC hobby :
First contact with RC’s in late 70 (my father gifted me a simple RC toy, steering just to the left… Real RC started in 2004 with a Tamiya TT-01 and then more and more.
Getting into RC-crawling 2009 with a CEN-Krick 2.2s then Losi CC. Getting in scale category at the same time with a Tamiya Tundra Hilift. First competitions in 2010.

My favourite RC category since many years is scale.
The favorite part about RC is to meet different people with the same interests.
Favorite RC Memory and Milestones ; Participation at Europe’s first G6 in Retz Austria, getting into the RC4WD Team, meeting and hosting John & Tina in Switzerland, Verona Fair.

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