Zoltan Csik

International Team Driver - Hungary

Team Driver Since: 2016

 I live in Central Europe, in Hungary. I work as a carpenter. Besides rc modelling, my hobby is photographing the night sky. My team (Team HRCCT Hungary) has been organizing the Hungarian rc trial championship for more than 10 years, in which RC4WD has been a big help for several years!

When did you start RC: 20 years ago
What is your category (scale, comp, HM) Scale build, scale comp
Do you remember your first RC: Tamiya Toyota Celica Carlos Sainz edition
Favorite RC Memory: many good experiences are connected to this great hobby, e.g. organizing the first European Recon G6, the first Central European Scale trophy (CEST) competition series organized with my team, winning the first CEST championship title, meeting John at the Verona model expo, the invitation I built a car for RC4WD and of course the date I became a team driver for RC4WD!
Favorite RC4WD platform (TF2, G2, CC): TF2 Marlin Edition, Gelande2, Gelande2 SWB
Favorite Hobby Shop to visit: RC4WD California

1. Favorite RC4WD truck  Marlin TF2

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